Today, we’re doing something weird and strange. We’re sick of the way that our rims look, they look rusty. And I’m sure you could do this a million different ways. However, we’re just going to do it the super cheap way and spray paint them.

Here are our existing wheels right now. You can see they are lovely. But this week, let’s get these all cleaned up. So our process is going to be pretty simple. We’re going to take the wire brush on the grill and do a little grinding away on the wheels, just to remove some of the base rust, sort of scratch it up a bit, give the spray paint something to adhere to, and also debating what to do with these metal pieces here.
For this project we used Rust-Oleum Universal Enamel Spray Paint which you can find here –
The center hubs, I think we’re going to wash them up and we’re actually going to spray paint them a different color.
What you could do if you were to do this properly is you could actually take the tires off of the RV and it would be much easier.
You wouldn’t have all this taping and stuff to do if you wanted to do it really well. Well, then you would take the tire off the rim and you would sandblast everything and powder coated and it would be absolutely beautiful.
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However, during the redneck version here, staying on the camper, we’re going to put some tape around everything spray-painted up. It’s going to look beautiful and we won’t have to worry about it. And I really don’t want to take the tires off the camper.
So now the coroner has done a fantastic job of taping this all up. We’re going to go ahead and do our first Premiere spray paint, and see how this works. Either way, it’s not going to look worse than what it did.

Now we finally get to reveal the secret color. But here it is. Drum roll, please. Bang, bang. It’s the same black as we spray-painted things inside, but I think it’s going to look pretty cool. I feel like the wheels look so good that they and now it makes the campus a little blue.
Now, what do we do with the rest of our camper now that our wheels look awesome? Well, hopefully, that inspires you to get working on your camper wheels. We want to see them if you’ve done anything fantastic. Leave us a note in the comment below.

One Response
Thanks for the hints and tips, just did mine and looks so much better 🙂